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聽覺語言治療適用於有聽力障礙的兒童。這種療法在助聽器或人工耳蝸的幫助下教授兒童聽力和口語技能。 聽覺語言治療不同於其他類型的言語治療,因為它強調用聽覺和言語進行交流。目標是幫助孩子融入正規學校環境並與其他學生一起學習。讓孩子集中注意力並努力使治療取得成功至關重要。

Understanding my name

The therapist will help the child understand their name by repeating it often. They may use songs with the child's name in them to help them recognise it. The close people around the child, such as family and friends, also play a role by repeating the name often and using it in everyday conversation. This repetition will help the child become more familiar with their name.


Bus "ba ba ba ba!"

Learning how to hear

The child learns how to hear by interacting with toys. For example, the therapist would hold a cat toy and say "meow meow" or hold a dog toy and say "woof woof".

"Meow meow!"


Differentiating volume

This involves teaching the child to recognise the difference between loud and soft sounds. For example, a therapist might use the phrase "big apple, small apple" and then say "big apple" in a loud voice and "small apple" in a soft voice. This helps the child to recognise the difference between the two. By repeating this exercise, the child will gradually learn to differentiate different volumes.

Oral motor exercises

Oral motor exercises help the child to train their mouth muscles in preparation for speaking. Examples include blowing bubbles, licking something, , or making specific sounds such as "m", "p" or "b". These activities help children to strengthen the muscles used for speaking, and can help the child to become aware of the different parts of the mouth that are used to produce speech. Regular practice of these exercises can help the child to develop the necessary muscle control for speaking.

Responding to source of sound

AVT involves training the child to respond to the source of a sound. An example of this is with a wooden rainbow stack ring toy. The therapist can make a sound while covering their mouth or standing behind the child. When the child hears the sound they are encouraged to put a ring into the wooden pole. Through repetition of this exercise, the child can gain an understanding of the concept of sound and learn to direct their attention to the source of the sound. 

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